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Saturday, January 24, 2009

Youth Bible School 2009!!!

WOW! What an experience! I had such a wonderful time! Listening to the messages and gleaning so much from them, sharing during small group and prayer group and all of the fellowship! I really enjoyed the fellowship. :) I had such a great time, I really hope I can go next year!! I made so many new friends and was so blessed during my stay in NC!

I took very few pictures, I'm afraid. I was so busy soaking everything in, I sort of forgot! :) But here are the few I did take:

These are pictures of our "trip" to Israel. Everyone removed their shoes before entering "Israel" (the fellowship hall) and chose a rug to sit at. We had been instructed to wash our hands before entering and realized it was because of the finger foods that were served. Delicious! :p

There were a lot of familiar faces in Israel! :)

Oooooops!!! An anonymous friend took this picture of Jasmin Aholelei and I. (I think the camera was on the wrong setting, so don't blame the photographer!)
I really enjoyed the bonfire we had one night. It was spectacular!! :)
We sang songs, shared stories and testimonies.
The two messages that stood out to me the most were Daryl Nolts' messages on worship and "clearing the rubble".
(it was quite a crowd for me!)


  1. Foarte interesant ce ai postat.M-am uitat pe blogul tau si imi place ce am vazut chiar e frumos si interesant.Felicitari si sigur am sa mai revin!


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