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Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Barefoot Humor

The Tenderfoot
by: A. Rose

I clear my throat and then I cough,
For Daddy has taken his shoes off
And at his walk I like to scoff.
Oh, yes! He’s a tenderfoot!
Shall I compare it to a midsummer’s day?
More likely an afternoon matinee!
Yes, here my dear Daddy I do betray.
Oh, yes! He’s a tenderfoot!
Like a tightrope walker in pantyhose,
Balancing ‘pon his tippy-toes,
Across the yard my Daddy goes.
Oh, yes! He’s a tenderfoot!
Cringing from each stab he feels
As grass blades plunge into his heels.
The pain’s so great, he nearly keels!
Oh, yes! He’s a tenderfoot!
Samson had a weakness too;
My dad’s is hidden in his shoe.
And though it’s sad to say, it’s true:
Oh, yes! He’s a tenderfoot!
My daddy’s feet are a blinding white;
Their ghostly hue is quite a sight;
The Blackfoot tribe would have a fright!
Oh, yes! He’s a tenderfoot!
Ooching and ahching across the lawn,
Flailing and bending like a wide-mouthed yawn,
Or a ballet dancer with too much brawn.
Oh, yes! He's a tenderfoot!
Now, I love my daddy, don’t get me wrong.
And I realize my poem has grown rather long,
So here I’ll end, though I could go on!
Oh, yes! He’s a tenderfoot!


  1. Amanda, you're funny......Very hilarious!!!! :):):)lol lol lol

  2. i'm sure my dad is tender-foot too...lol

  3. thnx. I tend to be funny in my poems. :P yeah, most dads are. it's cuz they hardly ever take thier shoes off and so their feet soften! (thus the blinding whiteness :P) we kids run around barefoot and so our feet are tanned and hard as shoe leather. :P LOL :)

  4. Amanda, You're good! I read Robert Lewis Stevenson poems to our kids when they were little. I felt like I was reading one again. Well done, and so cute!

  5. Such a poet
    for your feet show it....
    they are "Longfellows"!!!!

    Love you, Grandmommy

  6. thats the dumbest thing that i have ever seen in my life time;)

  7. Anonymous: what, my poem or your dad walkin barefoot?

  8. Gabi: it's certainly not bare here, is it? I only meant to be funny and had NO IDEA so many people actually read my blog!!

  9. the hole thing is sooo dumb

  10. Anonymous: you mean all the comments? the poem? my blog? what do you mean by the whole thing? the poem was just a joke I wrote for my dad and wasn't meant to be brilliant, so if you think the poem is dumb, that's fine by me. My dad's reaction is the one that matters most to me and his face made me laugh soo hard! I got all I needed outta his face when I read it to him and am just soo glad he didn't take offence that his own daughter would poke so much fun at him and then post it on the internet for all her friends to see! :)

  11. no just the poem! and it aint the worst thing in the world!but i was just saying that it was just interesting i should say! i wasn't meaning anything to affend you or any thing and i don't think i did.....

  12. *laughs* no, you didn't offend me at all!
    the fact that you'd said it under "Anonymous" threw me for a loop, tho! :)

  13. hahaha thats what it was saposed to do cause i don't like saying my name on comments alot but yea my name is melody eaton! and i am one of julie troyers friends!


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