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Friday, April 24, 2009


Some folks have been askin me what my daily schedule is like. I have finally had time to catch up to the pace of daily living here in Honduras and can now blog about it.

(Now, my blogging skills are not all that great. I can't hardly right anything formal. So, I'm just gonna write it like it is. :) Please excuse my bad spelling and grammar and everything else incorrect. :D )

Here is an example of my schedule (taken from the past three days experience):

On Wednesday, to start out with, Paul was sick from midnight till about 7am (vomiting non-stop), so we were fairly tired that day. After breakfast, I washed and hung out the laundry.
Then I worked on an essay I'm doing in preperation for the GED, did all the other "normal" things teenagers do to help out around the house, did some emailing and Facebooking, and then at 3 rode out on the tandem bike to visit some friends with my sister.
We biked to the Pan American Health Services orphanage and hung out with the kids there, rode them around on the tandem bike and made tortillas with them till 4.
On our way home, we passed an old friend, Daniel, who was riding a motorcycle. He stopped and chatted with us and ended up coming back to the house with us.
A man came to the door with his daughter, who needed a nebulizer treatment. I set it up for them and got the little girl started on it while Daniel rode Matthew and April around on his motorcycle.
(Hannah sat on it and pretended to ride it but was too afraid to once it was "cwank-ed up".)
After Daniel left and the little girl and her father did too, we started getting ready for church. Once I was ready, my dad told me that Ms Adina Bauman had called him and had asked if I could go over to her house and help out with a minor emergency. A young girl had cut herself with a machete and Ms Adina and her family were sick, and therefore unable to help her. I quickly Skyped my new (and very good) friend, Bertha, and asked her if she'd meet me with the Mission House truck and go with me. She agreed, and I met her down at the end of our road by the cantina.
Bertha and I had quite an adventure together! We unsuccesfully tried butterfly-bandaging up Silvia's cut (it was a fairly bad one) and finally just wrapped it up very tightly (and professionally too :) and drove her to her house in the invasion and dropped me off at the corner. So much for church that night, for me!
My dad told me, when I got home, that I had had a job offer. A friend of my dad's wanted to know if I could be a teacher's aid for two months or so. I accepted! Arrangements were made for me to take a "tour" on Friday. Then I went to bed. :P
(Bertha did pick Silvia up Thursday morning and took her to get stitches, BTW.)


On Thursday, I did laundry again and did all those other "normal" things to help out around the house, as well as schoolwork. I also raked the backyard.
I had Matthew stand beside the pile of leaves I raked to show how big it was.
(I don't why he looks tired!)

Then, I went to downtown Pena Blanca on the tandem bike with my dad to pick up a truck he had sitting at the mechanic's place. We put the bike in the back of the truck and drove the truck home.
Then, it started raining, so I had to grab the laundry off the line and fold the dry and hang-up the wet. After that, I worked on my essay some more.
Then, I helped my dad (well, sort of) make chocolate. I really just took pictures of it and listened to him lecture me on it.

Then, I hopped on the computer and made a website for the Maya Chocolate Company!

(that's our name for now)
Here's the link:
Maya Chocolates
This morning, at 8, my dad took me to the bilingual school for my "tour". I met my "pupils" and was shown the "premises".
[pictures will be uploaded here once I find where I set my camera!]
Then, we went to a store in Pena and made arrangements with the jefe for them to sell some of our chocolate for us. They ordered 200 lempiras worth. (roughly $10) Then, after that, we stopped by the mission house and chatted with them, let them taste some of our chocolates and bought some eggs from them. Then, I helped dad out with his chocolate by looking stuff up on the internet.
Some folks dropped in for a visit and for corn cereal this afternoon while I was on the computer.

Then I talked on the phone to my big brother.

Then, I worked on cleaning up the hotel rooms to prepare for a guest who is coming tommorrow to stay for a few days. And our water went off.
And came back on 30 minutes later. :)

THEN, I met Bertha (this is at 4:30) at the cantina corner and we went and cleaned Silvia's bandage together. After that, Bertha dropped me off here at the house and after peeking in on our chocolate production, she left.

THEN, some visitors dropped in for a quick visit and after that we ate supper.
NOW, I'm on the blog!

So...... that's my "schedule"!! :D

1 comment:

  1. its good to be busy:)------GED stuff goin well? Actualli i just officially withdrew myself from school...i'm starting GED prep classes next Mon. If i do those clasess i can take the ged b4 i turn 18:)


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