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Thursday, May 21, 2009

Ode To An Essay

I hate you,
I abhor you.
When finished, I adore you.

I procrastinate,
Until the due date.
My hard work they appreciate! ;)

My pencil is dull,
My schedule is full
And my poor brain's in a lull.

I never get farther
Than a page and a quarter
So here I'll


  1. I scribbled this out tonight after re-reading my latest essay. :)

  2. Procrastination is the art of keeping up with yesterday
    ~Don Marquis
    and I think you're getting the hang of it -- essay writing, that is!
    Keep up the great work! :)

  3. ......u hate essays? lol well yeah, but its like a game: u dont enjoy it till u know the rules. Then it's like "whoever wouldnt get this" ...lol...keep it up sis. Dont give up. :)

  4. Mom: thanks, Mom, but i'm not too sure that I'm really getting the hang of it. I'll keep trying! :)

  5. Gabe: yeah, well, I await the day when I'll say, "whoever wouldn't get this"!! I won't give it up, tho, bro, till I've mastered it. (that of course, won't stop me from writing poems like this one!) ;) I appreciate the encouragement from one who has "mastered" it! :D

  6. Ughhh . . . I have to write one soon when I take my GED ... never written one before, though . . . I do NOT like writing! :)

  7. like the poem sis ! hahaha :D ya keep it up your gettin it! and to everyone: Gabe is right! essays are nothing to dread!!!( and ask my sister she gave me bad scores for the longest time!) :);) if i did it anone can!

  8. Jasmin: that's why I'm writing essays! For the GED! I'd never written any before so I'm practicing so i can write a good one for the GED. I'm workin on my 3rd one now. And it's HARD for me! I don't like writing essays either!

  9. well, if you did it--anyone can doesn't necessarily mean me! well, I reckon I CAN write them, it just takes about a week for me to do si is all!! :)


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