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Tuesday, May 12, 2009

True Grit

And no, I don't mean cowboys.
No, not the US Army either.
Morticians are who I am refering to.
They deserve our respect.
They deserve a hats off.

They deserve a moment of silence with our hands on our hearts.
They deserve a hot bath and Tajadas for supper with their best friend and colleague... rain drumming on the roof above their heads... clean, fresh air to breathe in and relish...a cat-nap on the sofa...a good book to curl up with beneath a soft blanket...a fresh glass of creamy milk...a soft bed to rest in...
and Tylenol.

(((Let's hear it for morticians!!!!)))

that's not summer's rose, but Sommer's Rose. As in, Sommers and Rose.


  1. what is this all about??????

  2. Oh, I see that you ladies have hung out your shingle. Are you open for business? If I am your first client, will I get a discount?

  3. oh......now i'm catchin on...well yeah, i bet they deserve hats off.... :)

  4. Obi and Gabi: Bertha Sommers and I had to prepare a body for burial. We stopped it up, injected the cold thing with formaldehyde, cleaned it, scrubbed it, clothed it and swathed it. We are now open for business. JK :P

  5. Grandmommy: You could indeed get a discount. We'll give you 35% off the injection price, but the cleaning and scrubbing will be our regular $50.00.

    LOL :P

    NOT! Hope I NEVER have to inject and scrub your cold body! >:(

  6. Gabi: thnx for the hats off :) twas greatly appreciated


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