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Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Miscellaneous Pictures

I hope that Dad's garden attracts as many butterflies as Mr. Tim's someday.
(and BETTER photographers!!)

I chased this bee for sooooo long!
He just would NOT sit still for me to take his picture!
My camera would take eons to focus and once it did,
the bee would buzz away before I could shoot him!
I 'bout wanted to "shoot" my camera after the length of time I spent,
sweating and aching, waiting on him to just be still for only a moment.....
So after all my effort, these are some of the only ones I got of him.
I gave up, after a while, and started taking pictures of flowers.
But he mercifully returned and allowed the gringa
with the camera to snap a few photos of him.

~~He eyes me suspiciously~~

~~While waiting, this butterfly landed on my foot!~~

~~Hannah and I danced in the rain~~

~~During church, last Sunday, Dad held little Maria on his lap.
She became FASCINATED with his wondeful BEARD
and couldn't hardly take her hands off it!!!~~

~~On the way to church~~

~~Last Saturday afternoon, at the spring~~