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Monday, November 30, 2009

Click to play this Smilebox photobook: En Los Brazos De Dios...Sandra--2 mes, 2 dias
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  1. You did a beautiful job on this, Amanda. Capturing not only the preciousness of the baby but the emotion of the family.... Thank you! Naomi

  2. Wow, Amanda... this is precious. Brought tears to my eyes, once again.

  3. God Bless Rosie and Ricardo....my prayers are with them...nice smilebox manda

  4. Dear Amanda, This is a lovely tribute. Very well done. Thank you for using your gifts to share the love and hope and faithfulness of our Lord Jesus Christ. This has helped us in our grieving. Thank you for this ministry.

  5. Dearest Amanda. THANK YOU! My heart has been breaking for Rosi and Ricardo ever since I heard...Thanks for sharing the pics. You did a beautiful job. I just sat here and wept as I looked at them. Thanks for sharing...


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