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Saturday, January 30, 2010


this month weve had almost 500 patients!!!!
I work in the pharmacy and am also the receptionist but in february my job will change and ill get to work directly with the patients, taking vitals and stuff like blood pressure.
yesterday Bertha and I painted our living room walls. two of the walls were red and two were yellow. now two are still yellow but the red ones are white!! im so glad i dont have to stare at those ugly red walls any more. it was like ketchup and mustard or something. yuck.
today we were able to sleep in again YES!
we just piddled around today, cleaning and such, doing laundry..normal chores =) a restful day and now interenet! tonight for supper were having beans n rice n tortillas and its all ready except the rice, so hardly any chores for tonight....tomorrow we are hiking about an hour away to a waterfall, a small one, nothing like pulpapanzak, with some friends..dont know what else. im not going to church tomorr,w i plan on staying home and spending some quiet time with God. I need to, havent in a long time, and if i plan to live through next week, i had better!
well, thats bout all the time i have now.

had no time to write out a blog post so, i copied an email, sorry, folks, busy busy!


  1. Amanda! I miss you! Sounds like you are keeping as busy as ever! I finally posted the Scotland photos for you to see. You might not even remember but before I left the school I told you I would post the photos from my trip. Talk to you soon I hope! Love, the crazy gringa from Florida, Heather

  2. It is so good to hear from you. I'm so glad you were able to finally see the pictures. I am such a slacker.... :)
    I miss everyone in Honduras! How are things? Are you still working at the school?
    I don't have a facebook but my mom does if you want to friend her and see pictures and stuff. Her name is Gail Ott Brown. And if you want to e-mail me just send them to her adress its gailstales@comcast.net
    You should post some more recent pictures on your blog so I can see what's happening in Honduras these days!
    I'll be talkin at ya! Love you!


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