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Monday, December 15, 2008


I have recently made friends with a young girl, Damaris. She is 16 years old. Her husband's name is Rene and he is 30-ish. Their baby girl's name is Raquel (Rachel). She is 1 year old and has just started walking.

This is her younger brother, Eder.

(In an effort to get to know her better) Damaris and I color together each time she visits. We ended up with so many drawings that we started taping them up on the wall! (She visited me every night for a month straight!)

We soon filled this wall and started on the next! :)

We have around 3-4 walls worth of drawings! We joke that after wallpapering the walls, we will start on the ceiling.

Damaris has gotten quite good at coloring. The pumpkin-like squash they have here is green, so when she asked why mine was orange, I explained that in the USA we have orange squash. The next one she colored was orange (below) and my next one was green! :)

I LOVE Raquelita!!! She is sooooooo adorable!!! :D

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