We sang some songs for her too and even sang one in English!! We were singing, "I've Got The Joy, Joy, Joy, Joy Down In My Heart..." and we just HAD to sing the verse in English that goes, "I've got the wonderful love of my Blessed Redeemer way down in the depths of my heart..." It must have sounded hilariously funny to them, but we enjoyed it!
Julissa is also Rosa's neice. In this picture she has her hair twisted up in rags to curl it.
To end our day of visiting, we walked home in the rain and got soaked! Well, almost. There were a few dry spots! :) On the way back to Shanell's house, April and Shanell jumped into a mud puddle just for the kicks. They will have a fit when they see this picture on here! :D
We picked some tangerines from the Martins tree before going inside for some hot chocolate. :p After warming up and drying out a little, April and I headed home. :D :) Here in Honduras, away from high-tech devices, we teenagers must resort to jumping in mud puddles in order to goof off. :p BTW, just becuase I am not in this picture does not mean that I do not find a form of "release" as well. The next Sunday we went visiting together, I was hanging by my knees from the Martins tangerine tree! :p (lucky for me, however, no one had a camera) ;)
I love your site and you girls are amazing women of God with a mission and purpose in Life. Go and never stop. I love you girls and miss you
Sharon: Thank you! I love n miss you too! Come down and see us sometime! :)