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Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Doin' My Time AKA Lightheartedness in the Darkness

I got "inspired" by my younger brother, Paul, one day and wrote this poem.It is supposed to be from his (^) point of view. (the illustrations are of him too:)
Doin' My Time
by: A. Rose
Schoolbooks open,
Pencil in hand,
Why I’m imprisoned,
I don’t understand.
Trapped here inside
While the day grows old
If only they’d let me
Out on parole!
There’s adventures out there!
And fish in the crick!
But instead I’m stuck here
In my bailiwick.
It’s fresh air I need.
Not this air that’s stale.
I can hardly breathe
Here in this jail!
My list of assignments
Hangs heavy o’er me
--Two HOURS ‘till recess:
My hand is weary,
My heart is faint,
My head is swimming;
It’s this restraint!
‘N’ there’s six more grades
I’ve got to complete!
By the time I’m out
I’ll be antiqued!
An archaeological find
I‘ll be
If sometime soon
They don’t set me free.
Math, Spelling, History
These are my chains.
Securely shackled.
It’s inhumane!
It’s fryin’ my brain!
I’m goin’ insane!
I’m gettin’ chilblain!
Doin my time from
One class to the next
In case of fire,
He ought to be boiled
Who made up the rule
That from 7 to 2
I’ve got to do school!


  1. Nice talent on this poem...and the pictures really make it REAL!! lol--paul dont worry b4 u know it u'll be out of there!lol

  2. Haha! You did a great job!(I can really relate to it:) I LOVE all the pictures along with the poem,too.

    Love you - hater of bacon stealing :)

  3. thnx Gabi--and that's just what I keep tellin him!! :)

  4. hahahahahahahahahaha! thnx, Jasmin. I love you too. <3 Happy Valentines Day!!


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