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Monday, February 2, 2009

My Hand At Photography

My camera is not THE best, and neither are my photography skills, but I LOVE taking pictures and fooling around with my camera. Here are a few of my pictures and I have more posted at my website if you're curious.

~eyelashes and freckles courtesy of God~

~the bananas are courtesy of the mission's guesthouse porch~

~courtesy of Adina Bauman's flower bed~

~courtesy of Sandra Martin's flowers~

~courtesy of April's roses~

~bridges courtesy of Finca Ixobel~


  1. that one of the clothes line, that looks profesional!!!!!!fiesesti

  2. now why did "fiesesti" come out on that comment , dont know. That was the "word verification" code and for some reason its on the comment. lol

  3. These are actually really, really good. You should look into trying to sell them to put in calendars or something. Good job!

  4. thank you all for the nice comments on here. Selling them? Don't think that would happen as of yet! :)

  5. Awesome pictures of an awesome creation by an awesome and beloved Daughter of the Most High God. Thank you for your life for our Lord!

  6. Thank you, Mr. Jeff. You're awesome too.

  7. I felt so flattered by all the wonderful comments folks have been leaving me, that I posted more! :D


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