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Saturday, January 30, 2010


this month weve had almost 500 patients!!!!
I work in the pharmacy and am also the receptionist but in february my job will change and ill get to work directly with the patients, taking vitals and stuff like blood pressure.
yesterday Bertha and I painted our living room walls. two of the walls were red and two were yellow. now two are still yellow but the red ones are white!! im so glad i dont have to stare at those ugly red walls any more. it was like ketchup and mustard or something. yuck.
today we were able to sleep in again YES!
we just piddled around today, cleaning and such, doing laundry..normal chores =) a restful day and now interenet! tonight for supper were having beans n rice n tortillas and its all ready except the rice, so hardly any chores for tonight....tomorrow we are hiking about an hour away to a waterfall, a small one, nothing like pulpapanzak, with some friends..dont know what else. im not going to church tomorr,w i plan on staying home and spending some quiet time with God. I need to, havent in a long time, and if i plan to live through next week, i had better!
well, thats bout all the time i have now.

had no time to write out a blog post so, i copied an email, sorry, folks, busy busy!

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Our Casita In Erandique

a few random pics I have of our house

sunrise before leaving for the clinic--veiw from our backyard of the sky

Bertha and Phillip waxing our living room floor

sunrise outsidethe house, on the street

waiting for the bus on the street corner yesterday morn
will try to get more pics uploaded soon!

Shootout, Again pt3

Shootout, Again pt2

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Shootout, Again pt1

It seems that there's always something dangerous happening in El Eden. These are pics of the last shootout we had here, just one street over from us.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

In Erandique AT LAST!!!!!!!!!!!!

First of all I want to say that it is SO COLD up here!!
It gets down in the one digit numbers here!!! And they say it even gets to freezing!!
If it gets any colder, Im headin home, because Ive about got frostbite as it is! (well, not really) The house Im stayin in with my friend Bertha is in Erandique, Lempira and the clinic is up the mountain a ways in Carrizal.
The clinic is like a cave of ice sitting on a block of ice in a big chest freezer with a fan inside it blasting freeeeezing cold air on it!!! Outise the sun is shining sometimes, but inside you cant feel the sun!!!
The first day of clinic wasnt so bad, but today we had a lot of patients. We cant close the clinic until the patients are all gone and today we didnt leave until 2. We had 30 or so patients today. Nothing really extreme or emergency. Just colds , strep throat, asthma...normal illnesses.
I have to take pics of our litte house it is cute! haha. Sort of. Its the color of mustard and ketchup on the inside right now. It just needs a big M for McDonalds in the living room and we could sell hamburgers!!! After a few coats of paint it will look MUCH better. (I hope!)
Well, tonight after emailing we have to gather firewood and make our fire and cook our supper--in the COLD kitchen in our house, so Im gonna finish this blog n go now.
Stay warm! (that means so much more to me now than before!)