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Thursday, June 14, 2012

7 x 70 = forgiveness

If you've never heard this powerful song (7 Times 70) about forgiveness by Chris August, you should look it up and listen to it.
Here are the lyrics:

"I've been living in this house here
Since the day that I was born
These walls have seen me happy
But most of all they've seen me torn

They've heard the screaming matches
That made a family fall apart
They've had a front row seat
To the breaking of my heart

7 times 70 times
I'll do what it takes to make it right
I thought the pain was here to stay
But forgiveness made a way

7 times 70 times
There's healing in the air tonight
I'm reaching up to pull it down
Gonna wrap it all around

I remember running down the hallway
Playing hide and seek
I didn't know that I was searching
For someone to notice me

I felt alone and undiscovered
And old enough to understand
Just when I'm supposed to be learning to love
You let me doubt again

7 times 70 times
I'll do what it takes to make it right
I thought the pain was here to stay
But forgiveness made a way

7 times 70 times
There's healing in the air tonight
I'm reaching up to pull it down
Gonna wrap it all around

I lost count of the ways you let me down
But no matter how many times
You weren't around
I'm all right now

God picked up my heart and helped me through
And shined a light on the one thing
Left to do
And that's forgive you

I forgive you

7 times 70 times
If that's the cost I'll pay the price

7 times 70 times
I'll do what it takes to make it right
I thought the pain was here to stay
But forgiveness made a way

7 times 70 times
There's healing in this house tonight
I'm reaching up to pull it down
Gonna wrap it all around

Yeah, I'm gonna wrap it all around

I've been living in this house here
Since the day that I was born"

Jesus can change any circumstance!!! Hallelujah!!!!

1 comment:

  1. This is so true..
    When I was a teenager I wrote this down during one of my family's many, (frequent) fights:

    "Shouting and screaming, red in the face
    I wish to God I was out of this place.
    Do they think that their anger is doing us good?
    You'd think that our hearts were made out of wood!"

    But God has totally changed and redeemed my family and my parents are walking in His Spirit, we have been made whole! Christ makes all the difference but the need to forgive and release the hurts is still there. There is so much healing in forgiveness.


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