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Saturday, February 28, 2009

"There remaineth therefore a rest..."

We printed out this picture I took of Mirian one day when Shanell, April and I went to visit her. It's in the post Sunday Afternoon Ministry. We took it and placed it upon the coffin.

Here's another one from that day:

Lucas, Mirian's brother, asked me to take a picture of Mirian in her coffin. I would not have done so otherwise.

Here is the coffin with her picture on it: If you've ever seen someone's body, someone who died from cancer, then, well...many people found her corpse disturbing. The upper jaw is exposed and the eyelids are not completely closed.

(The light bulb hanging above my head is reflected in the glass in the picture above. So are the pictures on the wall. Sorry bout that.)

The calendar reflecting in the glass of her coffin. Life is short. Time is precious. We are here for but a lifetime. In heaven, we'll have an eternity. Use your time wisely.

My mom wrote something about Mirian. Go here to read it: ~Some thoughts on Mirian's Life~

Friday, February 27, 2009

Peace At Last!

Mirian passed away today. I have yet to learn what time it was. I didn't hear until just now. Thought I'd let you all know. Thank you all for your prayers. She is suffering no more, hallelujah! I can imagine her saying; "Este es para siempre el lugar de mi reposo; Aquí habitaré, porque la he querido." (This is my rest for ever: here will I dwell; for I have desired it. Psalm 132:14)

Hebrews 4:9
There remaineth therefore a rest to the people of God.
John 3:15
That whosoever believeth in him should not perish,
but have eternal life.

Friday, February 13, 2009

<3 Valentines Day!! <3

~I Corinthians 13~
Valentine's Day is a day of love,
For showing that we care,
And if we read the Bible,
God describes love there:

If we speak like celestial angels
From heaven up above,
All our words mean nothing
If we don’t have Christian love.

Love is patient,
love is kind;
It doesn’t brag or boast;
Love conquers pride and envy;
It is never self-engrossed.

Love is not rude or angry;
Forgiveness counters wrong;
Love stays away from evil;
It sings a truthful song.

Love is full of trust and hope;
It always perseveres;
Love never fails;
It’s faithful;
To the Bible it adheres.

And if you give this kind of love
To your special Valentine,
You’ll be loving right in harmony
With God’s own sweet design.
~By Joanna Fuchs~

Have a Blessed Valentines Day!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Doin' My Time AKA Lightheartedness in the Darkness

I got "inspired" by my younger brother, Paul, one day and wrote this poem.It is supposed to be from his (^) point of view. (the illustrations are of him too:)
Doin' My Time
by: A. Rose
Schoolbooks open,
Pencil in hand,
Why I’m imprisoned,
I don’t understand.
Trapped here inside
While the day grows old
If only they’d let me
Out on parole!
There’s adventures out there!
And fish in the crick!
But instead I’m stuck here
In my bailiwick.
It’s fresh air I need.
Not this air that’s stale.
I can hardly breathe
Here in this jail!
My list of assignments
Hangs heavy o’er me
--Two HOURS ‘till recess:
My hand is weary,
My heart is faint,
My head is swimming;
It’s this restraint!
‘N’ there’s six more grades
I’ve got to complete!
By the time I’m out
I’ll be antiqued!
An archaeological find
I‘ll be
If sometime soon
They don’t set me free.
Math, Spelling, History
These are my chains.
Securely shackled.
It’s inhumane!
It’s fryin’ my brain!
I’m goin’ insane!
I’m gettin’ chilblain!
Doin my time from
One class to the next
In case of fire,
He ought to be boiled
Who made up the rule
That from 7 to 2
I’ve got to do school!

Tuesday, February 3, 2009


Just got back from a visit with Mirian. I didn't take my camera because the battery was dead. Even if I had taken it, I wouldn't have taken a picture of her. I would have felt like an animal.

We went at 4. It was the first time in my life I've seen a real LIVE skeleton. The cancer has stolen her body. I can't imagine what it's done to her insides.
I changed her diaper, which was heavily soiled, although she said her neighbor had changed it for her earlier today. I bathed her down with some warm water and baby wash and dried her with an old piece of lingerie they gave me to do it with; they have no towels. I aim to give her one next time I go. She was in a lot of pain and could hardly breathe. She has a bad cough but hasn't the strength to do so. April got her some sheets and a flannel blanket from the house and we tucked her in real nice. We also had her do a nebulizer treatment and sang a few songs for her. When we left, she was breathing easier and was sleeping softly. What wonderful rest awaits her in Heaven!

Monday, February 2, 2009

My Hand At Photography

My camera is not THE best, and neither are my photography skills, but I LOVE taking pictures and fooling around with my camera. Here are a few of my pictures and I have more posted at my website if you're curious.

~eyelashes and freckles courtesy of God~

~the bananas are courtesy of the mission's guesthouse porch~

~courtesy of Adina Bauman's flower bed~

~courtesy of Sandra Martin's flowers~

~courtesy of April's roses~

~bridges courtesy of Finca Ixobel~